Makerspaces are an open space that can fuel creativity by encouraging people of all ages to make and create. The maker movement starts to change the role of students from consumers to creators.
At BHS, we want student to Think, Make, and be Innovative. To feel comfortable in "failing forward". After all, fail stands for First Attempt In Learning. Being problem solvers and critical thinkers are important skill sets everyone needs in order to be successful members in society. |
Tools & StuffFrom robots, to 3D pens, and circuitry to arts and crafts, there is something for every maker or want-to-be maker.
Try your hand at knitting, duct tape creations, origami, cup stacking competitions, "Small Weapons of Mass Destruction", and take a break from your stress by taking the time to COLOR! We have great adult coloring books that are available to use or tear out a page to take with you. |